
Do not use SB1.3 cable directly with V2, their positive and negative positions are reversed and will lead to damage. The H and L wires are also swapped, but this won’t damage anything (it just wouldn’t work).

Just use the new cable that comes with the SB Combo V2 board.


To put the SB Combo V2 board into CAN mode (instead of USB mode) make sure the two switches are in the “up” position.


120 ohm Termination Resistor

The SB Combo V2 board has a 120 ohm termination resistor enabled by default. If you need to disable this you need to cut the trace between these two solder pads.


DFU Mode

To put the SB Combo V2 into DFU mode, connect it via USB to the Pi using the USB-C port then hold the BOOT0 button, press and release the RESET button, then count to 5 and release the BOOT0 button.


Katapult Config


Klipper Config


Sample Config

A sample config file can be found at

More Info

More information can be found at the SB Combo V2 wiki