120 ohm Termination Resistor

The Fysetc SB-CAN-TH v1.1 has no resistor nor any provisions for adding one.

The Fysetc SB-Can-TH v1.3B has header for the 120R termination resistor which is circled in purple


DFU Mode


For V1.1

  1. Power off your whole printer (at the wall)
  2. Connect SB-CAN-TH Micro-USB to Pi USB-A
  3. Power on your printer
  4. Run lsusb to check if the SB-CAN-TH shows in DFU mode. If not, go back to step 1.
  5. If it shows as a DFU device in lsusb you can continue with the flashing steps
  6. After flashing, power down the whole printer, remove the USB cable, connect all the CAN cables, then power on the printer.

For V1.3

  1. Power off your whole printer (at the wall)
  2. Connect SB-CAN-TH Micro-USB to Pi USB-A
  3. Power on your printer, wait for the Pi to be fully booted
  4. Hold the reset button on the SB-CAN-TH for 2 seconds then release it.
  5. Run lsusb to check if the SB-CAN-TH shows in DFU mode. If not, go back to step 1.
  6. If it shows as a DFU device in lsusb you can continue with the flashing steps
  7. After flashing, power down the whole printer, remove the USB cable, connect all the CAN cables, then power on the printer.

Katapult Config


Klipper Config


Sample Configuration

A sample configuration file can be found at https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSETC_SB_CAN_TOOLHEAD